Vietnam Ethnic Groups

Khmer Ethnic Group

The largest ethnic group in Cambodia are the Khmers, who comprise around 90% of the total population in Cambodia, and are indigenous to the lowland Mekong subregion in which they inhabit.

Ba Na Ethnic Group

Ba Na ethnic group is a group of Vietnam ethnic groups, being long-term inhabitants of Truong Son - Tay Nguyen central highlands. They have created a unique local culture and their own socio-cultural identity.

Nung Ethnic Group

The Nung People are one of the 54 ethnic groups officially recognized by the government Vietnam. The Vietnam National Department of Statistics considers an ethnic group (dan toc) to be, “a stable or relatively stable group of people formed over a historical period with common territorial ties, economic...

Tay Ethnic Group

The Tày people speak a language of the Central Tai language group, and live in northern Vietnam. They are sometimes also called Thô, T'o, Tai Tho, Ngan, Phen, Thu Lao, or Pa Di.

Thai Ethnic Group

The Thai ethnic minority group have a population of more than 1 million inhabitants living in the provinces of Lai Chau, Son La, Hoa Binh and Nghe An. The Thai have other names such as Tay, Tay Dam, Tay Khao, Tay Muoi, Tay Thanh, Hang Tong and Pu Thay. The Thai language belongs to the Tay-Thai Group.

Ha Nhi Ethnic Group

Also called U Ni and Xa U Ni, the Ha Nhi have about 12,500 inhabitants settling in the provinces of Lai Chau and Lao Cai. Ha Nhi language belongs to the Tibet-Burman Group.

Ê Đê Ethnic Group

The Ede have long lived in the Tay Nguyen or high plateau region of central Vietnam. Traces of their origin are reflected in their epic poems, their architecture, and their popular arts.

Viet (Kinh) Ethnic Group

The Vietnamese people (Kinh) are an ethnic group originating from what is now northern Vietnam and southern China. They are the majority ethnic group of Vietnam, comprising 86% (over 65 million) of the population as of the 1999 census, and are officially known as Kinh to distinguish them from other ethnic...

M'nong Ethnic Group

Name of ethnic group is M'Nong (Bru Dang, Preh, Ger, Nong, Prang, PJam, Kuyenh, Chil Bu Nor, and M'Nong Bu Dang), with the population: 92,451 people (Year 1999). This ethnic group concentrates in the southern parts of Dak Lak and Dak Nong provinces, and parts of Lam Dong and Binh Phuoc provinces.

Ta Oi Ethnic Group

Ta Oi Ethnic Group is located at A Luoi District of Thua Thien-Hue Province and Huong Hoa District of Quang Tri Province, with the population of 34,960 people (Year 1999)

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